clsDB - error 1226: User 'hemmler-wunder' has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 250000)Stack trace:
file line function args
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 480 get_stacktrace array ( )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 240 query clsDB [object] -> array ( 0 => 'select ID, case when coalesce(ID_FOREIGN, 0) > 0 then ID_FOREIGN else ID end as ID_FOREIGN, SHORT_TITLE, case when SHORT_TITLE = \'\' then 0 when ID = 1 then 1 else 2 end as DEFAULT_ORDER_POSITION from CMS_LANGUAGE where SHORT_TITLE = \'\' or ID = 1 or IS_DEFAULT = \'Y\' order by DEFAULT_ORDER_POSITION', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 7 getLanguageSettings USTCMS [object] -> array ( )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 744 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) require
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 20 init Fwk [object] -> array ( 0 => array ( 'compressOutput' => array ( 'enabled' => true, 'excludedFiles' => array ( 0 => 'file.php', 1 => 'file-dl.php', ), ), 'server' => array ( 'appPath' => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', 'relFwkPath' => 'cms/framework/', 'urlConstantReplacements' => array ( ), ), 'config' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => 'settings.customer.pre', 'required' => false, ), 1 => array ( 'file' => 'settings.application.pre', 'required' => false, ), 2 => array ( 'file' => 'settings.cms.pre', 'required' => false, ), ), 'lang' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => 'customer', 'required' => false, ), 1 => array ( 'file' => 'app', 'required' => false, ), 2 => array ( 'file' => 'fwk', 'required' => false, ), ), 'inc' => array ( 0 => 'inc/', 1 => 'inc/', ), ), )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 3 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 329 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include

Dump of SQL statement:
select ID,
                   case when coalesce(ID_FOREIGN, 0) > 0 then ID_FOREIGN else ID end as ID_FOREIGN,
                   case when SHORT_TITLE = '' then 0
                        when ID = 1 then 1
                        else 2
                   end as DEFAULT_ORDER_POSITION
            from CMS_LANGUAGE
            where SHORT_TITLE = ''
               or ID = 1
               or IS_DEFAULT = 'Y'
            order by DEFAULT_ORDER_POSITION